Each December, I try to stop and take stock of what the year has held. 2017 has been a busy and eventful one for our little clan. Mr Den travelling much more than expected with work, Little Man starting school, Little Lady learning to talk, me holding down a part time day job while I get Den ready to launch properly...that's right, all this has been a soft launch so far! We're all exhausted and crawling toward the finish line. I know you know the feeling.
For Den, as for any new business, 2017 has been about firsts.
First wedding cake, first website, first courier delivery, first time I got a blog post feature, first vegan cake. First time really thinking of myself as an entrepreneur.
And I have a lot of people people to thank for that, but none more so than every person who has placed an order with me. When you buy directly from a small business, the joy and gratitude is a thing of beauty, let me tell you. I truly appreciate your custom, I love that you recommend me to your friends, and I am delighted each time someone returns for more Den baked goods. Please know that I'll always welcome your thoughts and opinions - I want to know what you think, what you liked, what you'd like to see more of. Holla at me.
Thank you, thank you and thank you some more.
I wish you all a restful, chilled out season of festivities with your loved ones.
And you know where I am for all your baking needs in 2018 and beyond, ok?